As predicted crime minister benji has and continues his ceasefire violation's by blocking supplies and bombing.
And once again the "barstard" western media including the orange man child refuse to acknowledge or mention these violations, another setup and blame game which they have been playing for the last century.
The resistance to the likes of Xionist Israhelli and the entire Western system that is in bed with benji. One thing I can promise outright is that the resistance to oppression and apartheid will come out victorious, the actual question is when.
I can see Jordan and Egypt attempting to mitigate negative feedback for taking in Palestinians. The king of Jordan has shown that he was, is and will always be subservient to the USA and will allow something that many female whores do not allow and that is the fact that Trump has and is authorised to breach the King of Jordan's back door with a violent and aggressive protocols in place.
As for the Egyptian muthfokker he is simply in appearance and attitude the same as the King of Jordan but will go a little further by crawling under Trumps and Elon's desk whenever asked to do so.
The final affliction is MBS, no that's not a disease even though he behaves like one. The Saudi's are singing the same tune as Jordan and Egypt which makes the whole scenario a very bad circus show. Read this article to see exactly how MBS of the house of Yahud helps Israhell [Please login or register to view this link]
As for benji the barstard crime minister of israhell who's behaviour lines up with Jordan, Egypt and Saudi circus show and the only difference is that benji the *CENSORED* is the clown and he don't know it, the world is laughing at him and not with.
I really hope my assessment is wrong but then again it involves historical accounts and a good understanding of the West's and Israhelli relationship.
What is frustrating or amusing about the USA is the fact that they pay the one who bribes them with their own money, reminds me of the movie "dumb and dumber".
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