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NOTED Nations that have and still do Support Israhell

Here you will find the statements made by individuals which deserve to be noted for future reference. If you have not realised then let me tell you that over the last year there has been a massive effort to wipe clean the www of any comments, sentences and or words that displease the leadership. I hope I can keep this site for the long run.
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Nations that have and still do Support Israhell

Post by max_1 »

Mark down these Nations for future reference

This is a very difficult report to digest as it shows nation leaders who call themselves Muslim but their actions show their intent and complete disregard for Palestinian livers or any Muslim lives.

Jordan - Saudi Arabia - Egypt - UAE - Turkey
I have added Turkey as it has and still does supply Israhell with 80% of it's fuel, just imagine for one second if only one of these trash talking transgressors put their foot down?

If you need more details on how Israhell is receiving help the following article may interest you.

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